New Vehicles in Inventory at Brian Cullen Motors

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* Calculated price is based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Shipping and preparation included, taxes extra. The rebate and purchase price displayed may vary depending on whether the vehicle is leased, financed, or paid in cash. Please note the Drive Green government rebates are included if applicable, does not include taxes. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Prices, payments and rates are subject to change without notice, please verify all information and pricing with a sales representative or ask online.

New GM Vehicles in Inventory in St. Catharines

At Brian Cullen Motors, we have the new vehicle that you're looking for. We have a complete inventory of new Chevrolet models.

Chevrolet Vehicles

It's impossible to break down the new Chevrolet vehicle lineup without looking at the various types of vehicles offered. There are simply too many Chevrolet models on sale to list them all! What we can tell you is that if you’re looking for a sport utility vehicle, Chevrolet is the place to start. The new Chevrolet Blazer is certainly the highlight of the Chevrolet SUV lineup, but it's just the beginning. The Chevrolet Trax, Chevrolet Equinox, Chevrolet Traverse, Chevrolet Suburban, and Chevrolet Tahoe are SUVs that satisfy the different needs of buyers. If you’re in the market for a new pickup, Chevrolet has redesigned its Silverado and Silverado HD models to make them more capable and refined. These vehicles provide amazing towing capacity and incredible technology to make towing easier. There is also a range of other Chevrolet models available such as the Chevrolet Cruze, Chevrolet SparkChevrolet Corvette, Chevrolet Camaro, and Chevrolet Bolt.